Thursday, 23 July 2009

Joseph Joseph Arrives At Pressieport

I LOVE Joseph Joseph! Have done ever since I first saw the Chop To Pot. So needless to say, I was thrilled when Fred told me he was thinking of stocking JJ on Pressieport... this, of course, involved extensive research by me drooling - sorry, I mean trawling, through their brochure and considering each and every item in their range.
All the stock arrived in last week - ah bliss! The happy hours spent going through all the different boxes and looking at all those bright, shiny new gadgets. And, I'm happy to say, they're on the website now just waiting for you all to get your sticky little mitts on them :)

Check out the 'Index' Chopping Boards. It's a metal upright container holding 4 colour coded 'index card' style chopping boards. No cross contamination here. Each one has a designated use and is easily distinguished one from the other.

The Nests are my other favourite. All your kitchen utensils stacked one inside the other in one neat and colourful set. Handy to store, easy to find, lovely to look at!

Of course, the downside of getting all these Gorgeous Gadgets is that someone may start expecting you to cook... hold firm I say. With stuff that looks this good, you can just call it modern art !

Have a great week


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