Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Big sound from small things!

We now have the full range of X-mini speakers in from X-mini. Now there are a few different versions, but I'll try and explain the fifference very quickly, in a few minutes. The single most remarkable thing about these little monsters, is the volume that they generate. When you hold one in your hand and brace yourself for the sound for the first time, it will probably take you by surprise.

The speakers are generally capsule-shaped with a high quality rubberised or metal finish in either black or red (or both). They have integrated power cells (batteries) which can be recharged via the USB cable of your laptop or charger. A full charge will yield between 5-7 hours of amazing sound.

They have won several prestigious awards including the 'Gift of the Year Award' and the Red Dot Design Awards.

These are the models we have in at the moment and the main feature/difference between each model:-

X-Mini Capsule - this is a single speaker unit with fantastic sound (as they all have) which is available in either Red or Black

X-Mini Max - is the twin/stereo version of this capsule shaped range - available only in black

X-Mini II or 2nd Generation - this again is a single unit speaker but with higher output for more powerful sound.

All the units can interestingly be connected in a 'daisy-chain' manner if you ever wanted to, and as each extra speaker is added, the volume grows and grows. We tried it and it was really quite cool.

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