Wednesday, 29 July 2009

First The Stork, Then Pressieport!

The speed with which new mums leave hospital these days means they are often longer in the labour ward than anywhere else! Getting to see the new arrival is then a tricky one to handle. Do you dash in straightaway to see the poor mother looking shell-shocked and the baby in the middle of the 'green emissions' stage (and that has nothing to do with greenhouse gases!)? Or do you give them a 'few days' in which case they have been kicked out of the hospital and the new parents are in sleep deprivation mode, their lives controlled by The Twelve Inch Tyrant who seems to require minimal sleep and maximum yowling to keep going? They can barely see you let alone have a chat or make a cup of coffee. Not to mention the danger that they might ask you to hold the baby for a few minutes - or as I have frequently found, decide to discuss in detail the nappy contents of the new arrival as they offer you a chocolate biscuit...

And of course, then there's the gift dilemma. Do you risk buying an outfit for less than 12 months in the hopes that you will get to see the child in the first year? Perhaps it's better to send a 'My First Year' memento gift, so that when you do get to see the Little Mary or Tommy there is at least a record of that first year for you to admire?

Well, we've been faced with this dilemma so often at Pressieport (many fertile friends!) that we decided to at least solve the present-buying issue. We now have same day delivery in Dublin. So, whether you buy the 0-6 Johnny Socks or the Nappy Cake (3-6months) or the My First Year Photo frame, you can be sure it will arrive while the child is still in the right age bracket.

As for visiting the little darlings - well, you'll have to solve that dilemma yourselves. (21st Birthday invitations anyone?)

Happy shopping!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Joseph Joseph Arrives At Pressieport

I LOVE Joseph Joseph! Have done ever since I first saw the Chop To Pot. So needless to say, I was thrilled when Fred told me he was thinking of stocking JJ on Pressieport... this, of course, involved extensive research by me drooling - sorry, I mean trawling, through their brochure and considering each and every item in their range.
All the stock arrived in last week - ah bliss! The happy hours spent going through all the different boxes and looking at all those bright, shiny new gadgets. And, I'm happy to say, they're on the website now just waiting for you all to get your sticky little mitts on them :)

Check out the 'Index' Chopping Boards. It's a metal upright container holding 4 colour coded 'index card' style chopping boards. No cross contamination here. Each one has a designated use and is easily distinguished one from the other.

The Nests are my other favourite. All your kitchen utensils stacked one inside the other in one neat and colourful set. Handy to store, easy to find, lovely to look at!

Of course, the downside of getting all these Gorgeous Gadgets is that someone may start expecting you to cook... hold firm I say. With stuff that looks this good, you can just call it modern art !

Have a great week


Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Big sound from small things!

We now have the full range of X-mini speakers in from X-mini. Now there are a few different versions, but I'll try and explain the fifference very quickly, in a few minutes. The single most remarkable thing about these little monsters, is the volume that they generate. When you hold one in your hand and brace yourself for the sound for the first time, it will probably take you by surprise.

The speakers are generally capsule-shaped with a high quality rubberised or metal finish in either black or red (or both). They have integrated power cells (batteries) which can be recharged via the USB cable of your laptop or charger. A full charge will yield between 5-7 hours of amazing sound.

They have won several prestigious awards including the 'Gift of the Year Award' and the Red Dot Design Awards.

These are the models we have in at the moment and the main feature/difference between each model:-

X-Mini Capsule - this is a single speaker unit with fantastic sound (as they all have) which is available in either Red or Black

X-Mini Max - is the twin/stereo version of this capsule shaped range - available only in black

X-Mini II or 2nd Generation - this again is a single unit speaker but with higher output for more powerful sound.

All the units can interestingly be connected in a 'daisy-chain' manner if you ever wanted to, and as each extra speaker is added, the volume grows and grows. We tried it and it was really quite cool.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Travel Tips

We're looking for Top Tips for Travelling!

I was out at the airport last Saturday, at 5AM! I thought it was busy but really that was nothing. Between 5.30 and 6AM it was bedlam. So, first top tip - leave loads of time, because you may have checked in online, you may be confident your bags aren't over the weight restrictions (Balanzza anyone??) but that is what everyone is doing. The shortest queue was for people who were checking in the old fashioned way!

And wait till you see the queues to get through security. In fairness, they did seem to be doing their best, but there are still only 2 security entrances, no matter how many people show up.

Anyone else with any top tips, let us know.

Have a great holiday when you do travel


St. Swithin's Day

St. Swithin's Day if thou dost rain
For forty days it will remain
St. Swithin's Day if thou be fair
For forty days 'twill rain nae mair

That rhyme has been around since Elizabethan times and each July 15th we still look out and wonder are we in for forty days of rain or sun.
As this year seems likely to be chalked up to rain AGAIN, we are trying to cheer ourselves up here in the Pressieport office by thinking about our Summer Holidays. Luckily for us, we are paid to spend time surfing the web - strictly for research you understand, so we can make sure we're bringing all of you the best choice of fun, handy and original gift ideas!

We've found quite a few gadgets that we're pretty sure you'll want for yourselves and not to give away. Check our out new X-mini speakers - they may be small but they're very LOUD!

And for anyone who really loves to travel, the World power adaptor is a must - one adaptor, 4 connections, 150 countries... you know it makes sense!

Fingers crossed for Sunshine!