Thursday, 9 April 2009

Make your PC that bit more interesting to work with!

I came across this on - an amazing website, for those of you who are not familiar with it. Check it out and I promise, you'll learn loads.

One of the featured speakers some time ago was a guy called Anand Agarawala - a techie type from the States. He made a presentation on his new invention called Bumptop. I signed up for it 5 months ago and only got my invitation to try it out 2 days ago. The funny thing (yeah, I was rolling around the place....!) is that it went 'public' today! So now everyone can download it and try it out.

Watch the video and see what you think - I'd love to hear your feedback. Is this a great step forward in Desktops or is it just me?!

Have a great weekend!


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