Well, I spent a horrible weekend having a very love/hate relationship with the snow.
Having decided to go to Birmingham at the weekend, I then found myself stranded at the airport overnight as Birmingham airport decided to close its runway (yep, they only have the one!). This left me with the lovely task of trying to get re-booked (along with 154 other stranded Aer Lingus travellers) on to a flight for the next day. This was followed by trying to find a hotel in a city which was already burtsing to capacity with snowbound commuters and then having to face the propect of getting only a few hours sleep before trecking back to the airport again....
Having got through that and eventually returned to work here at Pressieport, I found the weather had been getting steadily worse while I had been clearing my mailbox. So at about 4pm-ish, I decided to abandon ship and make my way home (I'm nearly finished ranting.....).
It took me almost 3 hours to get home (it normally takes about 20 minutes) and I can dafely say that I have never seen anything like it before. It was complete mayhem out there on the roads.
I don't blame anyone for the chaos though.... I mean, no one had any idea it was going to snow or that there might be a cold snap, so why would we have expected any salt-gritters out beforehand!
Ah well, happy Wednesday!!
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