Friday, 27 February 2009

Kimmidoll Accessories


We have just received some great new additions to our Kimmidoll range. Diaries, mugs, and many other things.

First up in the range are the extras for the Ami Kimmidoll.

We have the Address Book, the Diary and the mug. They all look great and the mug comes in lovely packaging.

Check out the rest of our Kimmidoll range. We'll keep you posted on the other new arrivals as we get them.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Handmade Irish Baby Nappy Cakes

Baby Nappy Cakes from

We are delighted to introduce our new range of Baby Cakes on These make an excellent and practical alternative gift for the proud new parents. I know everyone is talking doom and gloom, but rather than spend money on a bunch of flowers that will be gone in a week, why not try one of these instead?

Each Baby Cake contains tonnes of stuff from nappies, to bibs, bottles and much more. Only the highest quality ingredients are used in the making of these cakes and they are not only beautiful, but practical! As if that isn't enough to convince you, remember that each of these Baby Cakes is handmade in Ireland!

These Baby Cakes are exclusive to Pressieport and cannot be found elsewhere. They can be delivered overnight or in many cases (particularly in Dublin) on same day delivery.

With each of the Baby Cakes, you get an 'Ingredients Card' to let the new parents know exactly what's inside and a greeting card. You tell us what to write on the card and we'll take care of it!

At the moment, we have 3 Tier Cakes for the newborn baby boy and the newborn baby girl. Look out for our new 2 Tier Baby Cakes which should be here very soon.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Mother's Day Gifts - and a bit of history!

Mother’s Day Gifts and a bit of history!

Mother’s Day, or Mothering Sunday as it is known by some, is celebrated in many countries around the world and on many different dates. In Ireland (and indeed the UK) it traditionally falls exactly 3 Sundays before Easter Sunday.

Although there are many different variations and histories behind the idea of this celebration, it is thought that the most likely origin for this event was in the 16th century when families would gather at their ‘mother church’ on the fourth Sunday of Lent. This became special event in that, for many people, it was an occasion for them to meet and gather with other family members that they would otherwise normally not see, due to work or other reasons.

Today the tradition continues and is mostly a day when children show their love and appreciation for their mothers by giving them gifts, cards, flowers or similar presents.

This year, Mother’s Day, falls on Sunday the 22nd March (2009).

We've set up a page just to help you get some ideas for Mother's Day this year.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Order your Valentine's Gifts by 4pm Today

Hi everyone,

We wanted to let you know that you have until 4 pm this afternoon to place your orders for Valentine's Day.

We have a wide range of very original gifts - click here.
We can Gift-Wrap all you gifts - click here.
You can even include your Valentine's Card - click here

So don't be caught out - order now and we guarantee delivery anywhere in Ireland by tomorrow!

Happy Valentine's Weekend!


Wednesday, 4 February 2009

We are back to normal...

The snow appears to have finally cleared and our backlog of orders have now left us for delivery around the country in the morning. Sorry to anyone who was affected by the short delay and thank you for your patience.

All we have to do now is sit back and wait for sunny Spring and the warm BBQ weather that's heading our way.

Glad that's all over!

Well, I spent a horrible weekend having a very love/hate relationship with the snow.

Having decided to go to Birmingham at the weekend, I then found myself stranded at the airport overnight as Birmingham airport decided to close its runway (yep, they only have the one!). This left me with the lovely task of trying to get re-booked (along with 154 other stranded Aer Lingus travellers) on to a flight for the next day. This was followed by trying to find a hotel in a city which was already burtsing to capacity with snowbound commuters and then having to face the propect of getting only a few hours sleep before trecking back to the airport again....

Having got through that and eventually returned to work here at Pressieport, I found the weather had been getting steadily worse while I had been clearing my mailbox. So at about 4pm-ish, I decided to abandon ship and make my way home (I'm nearly finished ranting.....).

It took me almost 3 hours to get home (it normally takes about 20 minutes) and I can dafely say that I have never seen anything like it before. It was complete mayhem out there on the roads.
I don't blame anyone for the chaos though.... I mean, no one had any idea it was going to snow or that there might be a cold snap, so why would we have expected any salt-gritters out beforehand!
Ah well, happy Wednesday!!