Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Mother's Day is coming! Sunday, April 3rd

3rd April is Mother's Day in Ireland! Don't Forget!!

And its that time of the year again when we get to give our mothers a day off from the relentless task of looking after the family, the house and us. This Sunday is Mother's Day and that's the day when, for a change, you get to give mum a day off, get her some well deserved gifts, a card and maybe even treat her to lunch or dinner in a nice restaurant.

Mum's are generally practical, so they tend to appreciate it all the more if you're prepared to put a bit of thought or originality in what you get for them. A simple bunch of flowers and a card is just not that much of an effort in the imagination stakes.

Although the gift you might get may not be practical, mum will appreciate seing a bit of originality in whatever you do get her. A bit of humour always goes down a treat, maybe some retro to remind mother of those faraway days when she had a life of her own.

If you are looking for some original gift ideas for this Mother's Day, don't forget to have a look here for some suggestions. Orders can be placed up to Thursday at 2pm and will be delivered the next day, anywhere in the country. If you need your gifts wrapped, just let us know and if you want to add a quirky card, just pick one from the large selection available.

The important thing is to make sure that mum doesn't get landed with any of the washing up this Sunday.

Happy Mother's Day!