Saturday, 30 August 2008

Don't forget your cards!

Nothing puts the finishing touches on a gift like a card and gift-wrapping. We are adding to our selection of cards every week to cater for all tastes - have a look and make sure to add your message in the comment's box at the Checkout so that we know what to print on the card for you.

We're still working on a few minor details on the site, so for the moment, we can't charge you for gift-wrapping... So make the most of it! Get your gifts wrapped for free - believe me, it won't last long :-)

Friday, 29 August 2008

Jeez... its in Ribbons...

I know... its a terrible pun.. anyways, here are a couple of trendy, funky clocks we got in to the site this week.

You can see them on the site by clicking here!

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Sunday Times Article on our Floating Shelves

Here's a copy of the feature that the Sunday Times kindly did on one of our most popular products - The Floating Shelf. Hope you can read it...


Its happened to us quite a few times that our customers put in a shipping or delivery address for their items, but they don't take into account that we need to have someone there to take the delivery.

If you are getting something from us, please don't worry about putting your work address down as the delievery address - we certainly don't mind if your boos doesn't and it will save you having to go hunting around for your parcel afterwards!

And don't forget, if we get your order by 12.00 noon, we'll deliver the next working day, anywhere in Ireland.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

You've been framed...

Got some new frames this week. Something a bit different for everyone. Contemporary, classic and even Art Deco styled.

These are all well packaged and boxed and high quality finish. A perfect gift for anyone's home or office.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Here's another great idea for a shelf!

The Flybrary

A really handy new way to store hardback books and the clever bit is that it forms a shelf once you've put all the books on. Clever eh?!

Monday, 18 August 2008

Floating Book Shelves - Conceal - Back In Stock!

After selling out both the small and large sized shelves almost overnight, last weekend, we're delighted to let you know that more have just arrived today.

It all started after the Sunday Times featured the shelves in one of their supplements. The next thing we knew, they were flying out the door faster than we could get them back in.

Not a huge surprise that they're so popular though. They not only look great in any house or apartment, but they really are a simple yet novel way to store books.

We have even more great book shelving on the way, so keep your eyes on our blog or on pressieport itself.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Magical Floating Bottle Holder

We really like this one! It looks very cool, well made, well boxed and funky.

Although it will only hold the one bottle, its the type of thing you have in your house as a conversation piece or funky objet d'art.

A definite thumbs up!

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Floating Book Shelf

We were surprised and delighted to find out that got a mention in the Sunday Times supplement last weekend, in particular for our 'floating book shelves' or Conceal Shelves.

We had a major rush of orders which caught us completely unawares, but luckily, we've been able to re-stock fairly quickly, so we'll have them back in this week.
We're also expecting other great shelving solutions from our supplier which we're pretty sure you won't have seen elsewhere.

Monday, 11 August 2008

Capitalist Pigs and Happy Pigs

We have just received some new, really funky piggy banks at .
This should help you through your next credit card bill - they really do look ultra cool and they both come in very box packaging. A perfect gift for you or someone you know who needs a bit of a hint with managing their money :-)