Thursday, 28 February 2008

This will wake you up!

Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock

Ever have any problems getting up in the morning?! Well this may just be what you need then... Its the Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock.... Pretty much guaranteed to get rid of any urge you may have for a lie in. This clock will make sure that you are half-way out of the house and on the bus as soon as it goes off..... Try not to go to bed naked - just in case!

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Wattson in action....

Its sometime's difficult to explain or show people what a product does on a web page, but this clip gives you an idea of how Wattson works. It really is a great way to see how much electricity you're using and how much its costing you.

Available at or else click this link.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Maria Kelly Fashion Consultant is delighted to announce that we are now offering Maria Kelly Fashion Consultancy sessions to our range.

MKFC offer their clients, consultancy sessions offer coaching and advice to ladies about how to get the best results in their fashion choices and appearance. Everything from shopping tips, hair, make-up, makeovers, tips on current trends and accessories - everything ladies need to make that best first impression and the perfect gift to treat yourself or special someone.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

How to tell the car behind what you think!

Its actually surprising to me that this has taken so long to come up with... A simple idea, even obvious some might say, but this is the first time it has appeared on the market.... and is proud to be the first and probably the only outlet in Ireland to have this little gizmo.

Its called the Drivemocion - it sticks to the back window of you car or SUV or tractor or whatever you drive. On the windscreen, you have the control module with 5 buttons - each of which produces a different result when pressed. You can give the car behind you a Smiley...or, something else... You can even apologise and wink at them if you're feeling frolicky :-)

Each time you press one of the buttons, it wirelessly sends a signal to the rear display unit which then illuminates with a smiley or words. Really quite cool and great fun to play with in traffic.

It needs little or no installation - just 2 suction cups to be stuck on and absolutely no wiring required. It even has a sleep function so that if it detects that your car hasn't been moving for a few minutes, it'll go to standby mode to save on battery life.