Not only is it practical, but it looks really sexy and is extremely easy to set up. On the downside, its very likely that you'll find yourself staring at it like a rabbit does at oncoming cars. It will probably shock you as much as it did me, when you see how much electricity you are using at home. This is what it looks like...

Its about 7 inches long and works wireless to read how much electricity your home or business is using. It then display this information in real-time in either Watts or in Euro to show you how much your using. The display works in two parts (both controllable). You can view the information on the top of the unit, but on top of that, the 'mood' lights change depending on how much you're using up. So if you're using a lot of electricity, the lighting underneath glows red to let you know.
You can connect
Wattson to your computer also which allows you to download the information to your PC and see how much you've been using, when you were using the most or least and also to compare it to other days or weeks. This is done through Holmes, the application which works alongside Wattson, to help you keep an eye on your usage.
This is how it connects up to your home...

They say solar panels repay their cost over 7-10 years. This little unit repays itself over 2 years! The only downside to having one of these is that you'll find yourself switching off more and more things until eventually, you may end up living in the dark...
It really is very addictive and more to the point, its likely to be one of the best green actions that you're likely to take that will have an immediate impact on what you are doing to the environment and your bank account.
It has won numerous awards in Stuff Magazine and the the Guardian to name just two. You'll be hearing a lot more about this one in the future!